Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Under Siege By The Dark Side... Evasive Maneuvres

Yesterday and today was the story of identifying and eliminating Dark Side "suckers."

By suckers I actually mean energy attachments that are designed to kill, paralyze, or control.

I worked on some women in my circle, remotely. One has been seriously ill, literally dying. I removed the "sucker" that actually had already penetrated her whole body, so when I pulled it out through the attachment point on the neck, she went into convulsions. Then I requested that her damaged lung lining gets repaired by Source. When I left her after this "surgery" she was sleeping and was on her way to recovery. I can't guarantee that she won't have another attack... I'll monitor her status.

Similar, but not so dramatic surgeries had to be performed on two other women.

I now have to cloak myself before I connect to Source: It raises my energetic visibility that is just waiting to jump on my neck and take my attention off the activation.

A lot is at stake.

On a brighter note: I have found and started to work with a personal assistant. It's a joy.

My article on the principle that defines the Dark Side is the best article I have ever written.

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