The most re-tweeted article on my sites is about attracting money. The number two is about the dark side.
How do I know?
I have a habit of checking my blog for what people are most interested in. I read what questions you have, and I have a list of the questions that lead you to the blog.
I am interested in serving you and I am interested in helping you get from life what you want, while I help you get with what you need.
It's interesting that the two main interests you have are on the opposite sides of the carrot and stick continuum.
In the field of motivating people (and animals) for action, it is known that there are two methods, one is desire based and the other one is fear based. You desire the carrot and you fear the stick.
In the self-improvement, self-realization field the same thing is said differently, the carrot-people tell you to 'hold your face to the light' and the stick-people say "remove the wails between you and the light...'
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Desire is What Activates The Flow Of Prosperity And Happiness. But Desire Is An Inside Job...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Why Do Jews Wear A Yarmulka aka Skullcap aka Kipa?
I once read a book that was teaching Jewish values, the values that made so many Jews wealthy, so many Jews high achievers, so many Jews mensch, which is Yiddish for a righteous human being.
This article is about stealing a Jewish custom, that looks silly to steal, yet, unbeknownst to Jews made them special and specially favored, judged by all the achievements: and that is the custom of wearing a skullcap, also called yarmulka or kipa.
How A Sideways Glance at the World is The Key Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration
Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration
I knew there was something very important in it for me to get... but what?
I had seen this movie, back in Hungary, 40 years ago. I have been fascinated with it ever since.
The movie is called "The Lawyer"
Monday, August 29, 2011
Suffering? Miserable? I have distinguished Three Causes You Have Control Over
Suffering? Miserable? I have distinguished Three Causes You Have Control Over...
Motto: Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional
Most everybody gets miserable and suffering from time to time. Some more, some less.
I used to be miserable and suffering more than most... and I had no idea how to get out of it. It was like a deep hole, and the bright happy world was outside of the hole, and definitely outside of my reach.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
You Can't Mess Up Connecting To Source When You Do It With The Video
Why to do it with me? Because as a beginner you will not feel anything, and the lack of feedback of the feeling will discourage you and you'll quit.
THERE is a Principle of Power in every person: and there does not appear to be any limit to the possibilities of his growth
The below text is the first chapter of Wallace D. Wattles' famous third book, the science of being great.
By great he means someone who tunes in to All-Knowledge AND acts in a Certain Way.
This chapter establishes the grounds from which Wattles builds his theory: Human being is miserable unless he is growing. Unless he is advancing.
I am definitely an example of being able to tune into the All-Knowledge, and am a student of acting in a Certain Way. I am not there 100% of the time... maybe not even 80%. But the quality of my life is incomparable with what it was before.
Read and heed. You'll know if you are ready to hear this or not. How will you know this? This will sound like good news if you are ready. And boring or not for you, if you are not.
I hope you are ready. For your own sake..."
Saturday, August 27, 2011
How Will You Activate The Light? Are You In The Majority That Is Always Wrong?
In this article I will introduce you to the ultimate trigger that operates the "faucet" for receiving light. It will surprise you, and it will, probably, disappoint you, but you will be wrong to take it that way.
Let's start with the historical overview of how "operating the faucet for the light" has been taught. Keep in mind, all of these are theories: once a theory is proven, it becomes an axiom, and it works, all the time.
This overview will be different. I will concentrate on the mistakes our predecessors and our contemporaries have made, to the effect that we, 21st century humans, are not better off than the caveman. In this regard.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Do Onto Others The Way You Want To Be Done Unto You, or Do Onto Others The Way They Want To Be Done Unto Them? Choose!
At least the past 2,000 years the first saying is said... And it is an interpretation of the "commandment" Love your neighbor as yourself.
The Game of Life: Are You Trying To Win The Game With Just One Cannon?
I had a totally weird feeling this morning. It felt like everything that is in this universe is just one of the many universes, and it is really all about how I play the game.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Life Is Not Working? Relationships Are Not Working? Look here... Maybe It's What's Out
Without Integrity ((The major question is: is integrity a black and white phenomenon, like pregnancy: you either have it or you don't, or is it a sliding scale. Any ideas? Please comment below)) Nothing Works. Sounds Good. Sounds Weird. It's True! But Why?
I am borrowing that phrase, "without integrity nothing works" from Landmark.
It's a catchy slogan. When things aren't working, you can look where is your integrity, you put it back in, or not, and that's that. Life either starts working or not.
Yeah, but why? Why would integrity matter? Let's first examine what we'll call integrity, what it means that your integrity is in or out, and then we'll look at one area that is enough to make life insufferable, and it definitely connected to integrity.
OK. What is integrity?
According to Landmark, there are levels of integrity.
Level one is the level we all know, and it says that you keep your promises. You promise something you deliver. It's simple, really.
It has another layer though that we rarely honor in "real" life, and that is: timeliness. If you promised to do something by Monday 12 pm, then by 12 pm it's delivered (not just done) or your integrity is out.
What happens if you realize that you made a mistake and you won't be able to do what you promised? That's another thing in "real" life we don't talk about. Integrity says: if you promised and you can't deliver, or can't deliver on time, then your job is to communicate to the people you promised to. Say something like: I promised, I realized I won't do it, (or won't don it on time) and I am communicating as soon as I found out so you can find someone else to do it.
And the last "layer" of the first level is: do it as it was meant to be done, without cutting corners, in an empowering context, and do it the way you could be expected to do it, even if you didn't promise to do it.
Oh, I almost forgot: ... and do it cheerfully, not as a martyr, not as a sacrifice, but as a willing gift. You could be doing everything you promised but make the recipient feel like someone on the welfare roll... and your integrity is out.
That is the first level. If you look at your life you'll see that you probably have never had any integrity. Or if you did, for moments... and then it was out. Hm, this looks tough... ((but wait, there is more! I put it in the footnotes, because for a "normal" human being this is way above where they are even willing to look...
Level two: Your level two is an inside deal. You have ideals, you have standards. you have principles. Even if no one knows, if you violate any of those, then you are out of integrity.
One of my principles is to never work for money. Said in another way: never do anything for money that I would not do for free.
That means that I must enjoy, or otherwise benefit from doing the thing... or I won't do it, and I won't do it for payment.
Sometimes I unwittingly book an appointment, or create a project that, while in the middle of, I realize that I definitely would not do this for free.
So what do I do? I finish the appointment, or finish the project, and then won't do it again. I won't beat myself up, I just return myself to integrity.
The third level is tough, and I hardly know anyone who even considers doing it. The third level says: Be true to yourself: Honor your word as yourself.
What does this "honor your word as yourself?" No one ever explains it, but I have been living it, so I have some insight.
In order to honor your word as yourself, you need to first honor and respect yourself, Maybe even love. Whatever that means...
The second requirement is that you use your words thoughtfully. That you use your words fully knowing that your words create reality. And your words need to be in integrity with the first two levels... not easy.
You see, it is a requirement for integrity that you live consciously. And that you live from the inside out.
Once you have these requirement then you formulate your word. Your word is an act of creation, and you should give it some thought.
The language of this level is declaration. A kind of promise, but only God listens, and you.))
Now, why would I say that without integrity nothing works? I mean your life doesn't work unless you have integrity. Why would I say that? Especially if integrity is almost impossible!
Let me give you an example, something I saw, for the first time, and it happened today.
I have a dear friend who loves making promises. He promises to help, make phone calls for you, do things for you. And a lot of it he actually does. But not all of it. And not on time...
So he promised to help me with my car which is on its last legs, but I am not ready yet to buy another one. So he offered to put me in touch with a back-yard mechanic, drop the car off, and then take me to my mail-box and then home. I was elated. How nice of him.
In the approximately 15 minutes we had 8 arguments. Anything I said landed wrong, anything he said landed wrong.
We weren't in love for those 15 minutes, and maybe for the rest of the day.
What does THIS have to do with integrity? Everything!
Everything I said landed on the top of a bunch of unkept promises he had made, to me and to others. That was the context. So, to him, I sounded like I was attacking him. Like I was reminding him all the things he didn't do instead of appreciating what he was doing. But when it comes to promises, the promises not kept are the only ones that people remember!
Everything he said landed poorly on me, because it felt like he was doing me a favor (which he was) but there was no good cheer, just obligation, and that didn't feel good to me. I suddenly regretted even accepting his offer to help.
So, where is the "nothing works" in this?
You see, I am just one person. But he talks to 20-30 people a day, family, clients, friends, and some of them have experienced disappointments with him promising things he didn't do. So the conversation is always edgy, and the relationships suffer.
And I say, when your relationships are strained, your life is strained: a far cry from your life working.
I have seen this with a lot of clients, but have never connected it with integrity. So my friend is not unique in this, he is more the rule, than the exception.
Which sadly means: for most of us, our lives don't work.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are? How To Hire Me As Your Coach?
What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?
This is a tricky question, so don't just shoot from the hip and leave (like you always do)... let me show you something that you probably didn't know.
I have been perturbed, I mean really bothered by the fact, that although everyone got the same activator download, the results are so different.
Some people thrive, soar, produce unpredictable and unprecedented results.
Some people didn't see any changes.
And there are all kinds of variations in the middle.
What could be the reason?
One possible reason I have explored in yesterday's post, but it doesn't answer all the questions.
Some people, when I measure, arrived to 299, yet nothing else changed. WTF!?
As usual, I asked Source for some guidance, and it came.
The first thing that came down came in a movie (The Piano) that I watched for one scene and one sentence: the woman wants to die, ties her foot to her piano that is dumped into the ocean. Once on the ocean bottom she realizes that she wants to live, unties the rope and swims to the surface. She is surprised that something in her wanted to live.
You see, having invested all I got, my business, my future into this Planetary Ascension, I am more than invested... and every little hint of failure questions my right to exist, to live on.
And... this takes us to the real issue. The issue that points out why some people thrive and others don't change at all.
I gave two coaching sessions in quick succession, and both were to people that no matter what coaching program they did, how much money they invested in their evolution, they didn't succeed to have any positive changes.
I was guided by Source to explore a particular path with them: examine crucial turning points in their lives where they decided what is going to be their life-script.
Please, stay mindful of the question in the title: we want to find out what is more important to the quality of your life, who you are or how you react to who you are? OK?
Now, let's look at three examples:
Client #1: deaf and blind. The blindness and the deafness came on around age 9. She lost all friends, all ties to life. She was contemplating ending her life. Who she was is deaf and blind.
But the story doesn't end with that. She must have decided how she was going to "react" to her deficiencies. She must have decided that she was going to be independent, and a winner. So she became a world class athlete. She was an Olympian in tandem bicycle, and even won a silver medal on one of those Olympics. She had a master's degree, she was a licensed massage therapist and earned a full time living.
Later in life she had a debilitating cycling accident where her scull shattered, she had a stroke... but she got on the stationary bike and didn't allow life to beat her... Recently she wrote her life story, and was preparing to partake in the Race Across America cycling challenge, when she fell down the stairs and never woke up again.
Client #2: was born unwanted. His mother was angry: she didn't want another child.
He decided that she will have to pay for that, and started a life of getting into trouble... first he broke a bone, regularly, in his body, then got into other troubles, like becoming ostracized, losing money, then lost all his money, then lost his livelihood.
He'd taken lots of courses, coaching programs, healing modalities, to no avail.
The activation didn't do much for him. His script is still making his mother pay...
Client #3: at an early age he didn't stand up for himself, and allowed a bully to take what he could, and trample him to the ground. He decided that he was a gutless nincompoop.
He decided that he'd rather get into trouble for not doing what he needs to do than being called that again.
He is busy, he is trying, but he never actually does what he needs to do. Even in the conversation: he wants to be off the hook. He feels slippery, like a fish... avoiding being pinned down. I needed to use my empathic abilities to guide me, because he wouldn't.
He takes copious notes but never takes an action that could reveal that he is a gutless thing. He has just enough to get by... ultimately showing what he most tries to hide, that his script is to not be willing to stand up to life.
Because success is a result of action, and action is consistent with your reaction to who you are (or decided you are) if your reaction was consistent with successful action, you are successful. If it wasn't you aren't.
Case #1 had a decision for success. Case #2 and Case #3 had no room for success in their decision, and therefore are both unsuccessful.
Bummer... You see, we are all trying to work on who we are, but you see that is almost irrelevant: what is relevant for your success is how you decided to react to who you said you were... ((to complicate things, what you said about yourself doesn't hold any water, it is not true, it was made up by and upset kid! There is more to a person than their eyes and ears, their behavior while beaten by a bully, or what an upset mother said about you!))
Like you, I can't change how my machine wants me to behave: to stick with it, to be like a pit-bull, to hang in there, even beyond where it makes any sense... I had to reveal that my machine is not my best friend! I needed to learn new ways of making decisions, at crucial points, make decisions not from the machine, but from an adult vantage point.
I have done it. I have seen others do it. So it is possible.
If you identify your "script" accurately then you can actually change your outcome. You can't change your script, but you can create a life parallel with it. But most people can't do it themselves, just like you cannot do brain surgery on yourself. Most coaches can't do it, at least I have never met one that could.
I am becoming good at it. I was somewhat good before I started "really" raising my vibration, when I was at 295. I am now at 905. I am now fast and right-on...
The next challenge for me is to find ways to alter a client's behavior. I am interested in getting good at that. That is why I am taking new clients.
A will use a little help from Source, :-) Individual activations, etc.
I am offering help for finding your script and changing your script.
It won't be cheap. I won't necessarily take you on, even if you have the money. I am interested in cases that are challenging.
Email me if interested. The more detail you include in your original email the more likely that I'll pick you...
[si-contact-form form='1']
We'll have at least three sessions. Session 1: identifying your script. Session 2. identifying the alternative behavior and the triggers, do a custom activations, whatever it takes. Session 3: Checking in. Correction if necessary.
Sliding scale pricing.
Apply. You can quit at any point... you will if that is your script... lol
Monday, August 22, 2011
What's Next? Am I a Genius Yet? Is There Anything More I Should Do?
What's next? Am I a Genius yet? ((Vibration of 299 compared to the 140 or under where you were before, is a genius maker. It gives you choices you didn't have before, solutions you didn't have before, a path that you could not even dream of before))
How to make the best of the Activation Of The Original Design
From My Correspondence:
I have been looking at your site. I am not to sure how it works. Do you help people to lift their vibrations, or have you done it already when you activated the countries and it is now up to each individual to take it further?
My answer:
Paula, I am a coach. And now I include in my coaching custom activations, which obviously raise your vibration.
The first phase activation took people to 299.
I am noticing that it is not high enough or not specific enough to break through the "no desire, no thank you" barrier.
I have tested the first part of a new activator specifically to dig out desire from under an avalanche of fear.
It works.
The whole desire activator, my hunch, will be bigger, but for now this is where it's at.
This is a monumental task, but I am up to it.
Thank you for your question,
Will every single person's vibration rise to 299 because of the Activation of the Original Design?
Answer: Theoretically, yes. Practically: I don't know.
As I am working with people, Pioneer or just a client or a relative, I notice that people don't allow their body and their psyche time and room to adjust to the new vibration, and thus they suppress it.
Let's use a bodily illness as an analogy: How you do anything is how you do everything, so if this is how you handle illness, this is probably how you handled the activation.
Imagine that you have a full blown flu. You decide that you will continue living as if nothing happened, and work, party, and sleep just a few hours. You take medicine. Whatever the doctor prescribes.
You may survive. Your body may decide to hang in there, but some important things happen:
You didn't ask, you didn't encourage your body to learn and gain from this experience. You didn't allow your immune system to go for the invadors and wrestle with them. You didn't allow your heart to not carry double burden. You robbed your body's intelligence from a very important learning experience.
As a result your body is dumb and from now on it will leave it to you to protect you... after all you trained it well. Except that the immune system is also the one that should kill the always present cancer cells, that should remove the always present poisons, but YOUR immune system is now trained that you will do the work, but of course, you don't even know there is work, let alone know how to do it.
Every little chill, every bug going around is starting to make you sick, and now cancer is growing in your body, un-opposed. In fact, you are rotting from the inside out, and you don't even know it.
But you will know it. And it will be too late.
Now, let's look at the activation: the activation is like a serious bout with illness. It is new to the body, and it needs to incorporate it into itself. It needs to learn to use it, to expand from it, to learn to see more, feel more, love more, achieve more.
But not your body. You didn't allow it any room, any time, any chance.
Your vibration got stuck at a lower level. Permanently.
Lots of people got stuck at 295. Even more around 240-250.
And some went all the way to 299 and slipped back. They probably got scared, or maybe they didn't acknowledge Source?
I am here to give you what you need. What you do with it is your choice.
Is there anything you can do to go back and do it differently this time?
I think so. You can ask for another activation. It's 3 minutes. I'll see if I can make it downloadable on the internet.
That way it will be cheaper.
And this time you can help your body to take you to 299. So you can have choice about your life.
What's Next? Am I a Genius Yet? Is There Anything More I Should Do?

What's next? Am I a Genius yet? ((Vibration of 299 compared to the 140 or under where you were before, is a genius maker. It gives you choices you didn't have before, solutions you didn't have before, a path that you could not even dream of before))
How to make the best of the Activation Of The Original Design
From My Correspondence:
I have been looking at your site. I am not to sure how it works. Do you help people to lift their vibrations, or have you done it already when you activated the countries and it is now up to each individual to take it further?
My answer:
Paula, I am a coach. And now I include in my coaching custom activations, which obviously raise your vibration.
The first phase activation took people to 299.
I am noticing that it is not high enough or not specific enough to break through the "no desire, no thank you" barrier.
I have tested the first part of a new activator specifically to dig out desire from under an avalanche of fear.
It works.
The whole desire activator, my hunch, will be bigger, but for now this is where it's at.
This is a monumental task, but I am up to it.
Thank you for your question,
Will every single person's vibration rise to 299 because of the Activation of the Original Design?
Answer: Theoretically, yes. Practically: I don't know.
As I am working with people, Pioneer or just a client or a relative, I notice that people don't allow their body and their psyche time and room to adjust to the new vibration, and thus they suppress it.
Let's use a bodily illness as an analogy: How you do anything is how you do everything, so if this is how you handle illness, this is probably how you handled the activation.
Imagine that you have a full blown flu. You decide that you will continue living as if nothing happened, and work, party, and sleep just a few hours. You take medicine. Whatever the doctor prescribes.
You may survive. Your body may decide to hang in there, but some important things happen:
You didn't ask, you didn't encourage your body to learn and gain from this experience. You didn't allow your immune system to go for the invadors and wrestle with them. You didn't allow your heart to not carry double burden. You robbed your body's intelligence from a very important learning experience.
As a result your body is dumb and from now on it will leave it to you to protect you... after all you trained it well. Except that the immune system is also the one that should kill the always present cancer cells, that should remove the always present poisons, but YOUR immune system is now trained that you will do the work, but of course, you don't even know there is work, let alone know how to do it.
Every little chill, every bug going around is starting to make you sick, and now cancer is growing in your body, un-opposed. In fact, you are rotting from the inside out, and you don't even know it.
But you will know it. And it will be too late.
Now, let's look at the activation: the activation is like a serious bout with illness. It is new to the body, and it needs to incorporate it into itself. It needs to learn to use it, to expand from it, to learn to see more, feel more, love more, achieve more.
But not your body. You didn't allow it any room, any time, any chance.
Your vibration got stuck at a lower level. Permanently.
Lots of people got stuck at 295. Even more around 240-250.
And some went all the way to 299 and slipped back. They probably got scared, or maybe they didn't acknowledge Source?
I am here to give you what you need. What you do with it is your choice.
Is there anything you can do to go back and do it differently this time?
I think so. You can ask for another activation. It's 3 minutes. I'll see if I can make it downloadable on the internet.
That way it will be cheaper.
And this time you can help your body to take you to 299. So you can have choice about your life.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Case Study: Vik Day 18: it is time to say good bye. Your Activation is Complete
[1:02:57 PM] Vik: hi
[1:03:10 PM] Sophie Maven: hey
[1:03:18 PM] Vik: how r u
[1:03:27 PM] Sophie Maven: you: 299
[1:03:43 PM] Sophie Maven: wife: 290
[1:03:45 PM] Vik: ok..
[1:04:00 PM] Sophie Maven: father: no change
[1:04:27 PM] Sophie Maven: no attachments on you
[1:04:34 PM] Vik: ok
[1:04:41 PM] Vik: how about my wife
[1:04:44 PM] Vik: any attachments?
[1:05:17 PM] Sophie Maven: none
[1:05:35 PM] Sophie Maven: daughter: 270
[1:05:40 PM] Vik: wife at 290...she is come up really fast...
[1:05:47 PM] Sophie Maven: yes.
[1:06:17 PM] Vik: wow...i didn't know that u had activated my daughter as well..
[1:06:35 PM] Sophie Maven: mother: 150... very fast ascension
[1:06:47 PM] Sophie Maven: I activated every single person in India
Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology, Dreams, Magical Thinking... and A Call To Action
Signs, God, revelations, numerology, astrology, dreams, magical thinking
I don't know about you, but the ego over here wants to know. It hates uncertainty, and it will go with anything half-reasonable to get away from uncertainty.
I think that is what we hate about the dark. That we don't know if our next step is going to be OK, or going to get into trouble.
The trouble is that there is no way to reliably predict anything.
There is no way to rig the game.
There is no way you are going to get out of this life alive.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I Can't Be Happy Unless... The Misery Of A Self-Selected Messiah
I Can't Be Happy Unless... The Misery Of A Self-Selected Messiah
I caught myself, red handed, up to my chin in misery, wallowing... yuck.
I had been depressed for two straight days. It wasn't someone else's feeling, it was mine allright. It sucks. I mean, literally, it sucks you dry, takes away your aliveness...
Yesterday I regretted that last week when I had a chance to get off the planet I didn't go. Today I started to contemplate jumping off from some high place...
God Doesn't Have A Thumb or Will You Dance?
I am never made to watch a movie that is not what I need to watch.
It also could be that I am mono-maniac, that I have a one-track mind... who cares, right?
Today, in the middle of the day, I was taken to the movie "The Girl on The Bridge." It is a french movie from 1999. On the surface it seems to be about luck and about two people, unlucky apart, lucky together.
Your Biggest Pain Is Your Biggest Blessing, or How To Awaken The Soul's Desire
In this article I will show you how I connected to Soul, and through that connection how I have been able to awaken the desire to connect.
As I have said in other articles, desire is necessary to open the spigot of light... Desire opens and closes this spigot, and you can control desire.
The biggest issue is to awaken this desire: it is not active in Soul.
All the modalities, all the methodologies that talk about desire, try to cause your conscious self's desire, and that desire doesn't open the spigot. This is how I did it...
In 2010, October, I took a program, called the Landmark Forum, for the 20th time.
Why on earth would I do something for 20 times? Well, there was something that I wanted to uncover, that in all the Landmark programs I had never able to get a glimpse of. I wanted to discover how come that in spite of all my talents, in spite of all my diligence, I was never able to stay above "just over broke."
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
What if nothing will happen in 2012? What if it is just like the y2k scare? Urgency vs. Emergency
What if nothing will happen in 2012? What if it is just like the y2k scare?
Great question. It depends.
In this article I will examine what it is that you can do to prepare to 2012, whether there is going to be a calamity or not. I am using new, unfamiliar distinctions, so if you are not prepared to do any work, stop right here and leave. Bye.
Now, for those of you that are willing to pull yourself up by your hair or bootstrap, this may be one of the most important articles to read... If anything is not clear, just comment below. I'll answer all questions personally.
Connect To Source or Die
Connect To Source or Die
What is the Quickening movie about?
That movie is a 2012 prediction.
What is the foundation of even having any predictions? There are two: the Hopi myth that seems to be coming true (I didn't do any research! do your homework!) and the Mayan calendar.
The Mayan calendar which is conveniently (?) illustrated by one of the temples, it is shown that humanity is approaching its current state's fifth night.
Each period, including this one, is divided to 5 days and 5 nights. According to the Mayan Calendar the time of the fifth night is approaching. The traditional interpretation puts the end of the fifth night to December of 2012, a Swedish researcher says, that it will be as soon as October of this year, 2011.
What are the types of calamities we can expect?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?
How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge?
Great question, isn't it?
This question came up, pushed itself on my mind, while I was watching the Quickening movie.
After all the movie is inspired, its truth factor is almost 70%. What is my problem. Oh you again, making trouble?
OK, it's me again, and I am making trouble again.
Let us look at the Hopis first: Is the hopi myth Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge?
The Quickening By Keith Wyatt, Awakening As One
The Quickening by Keith Wyatt awakening as one
I got an email from one of the Pioneers of The Planetary Ascension project. He sent me a link to this movie, below, The Quickening. He said that in this movie I will see why I am doing what I am doing.
My knee jerk reaction was to summarily dismiss this, but at 900 you know better, chuckle, so I watched the movie. It is long, repetitive, an hour and 15 minutes long, in fact, but well done, and profound.
The vibration of the movie is 695/1000. Which is very very very high.
Of course the movie was made before the Planetary Activation began. But even with that, it is simply terrifying and yet feels right.
Addicted to The Law of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law of Attraction teachers and their vibration
Law of Attraction, manifestation, and other voodoo stuff has been around for about 10 years, or at least that's when I first heard about it.
The teachers of this voodoo stuff share one thing in common: their vibration is low and their vibrational shift as a result of the Activation of the Original Design is slower.
Wow, how does that make sense?
Well, it is not very intuitive, but I trust that you will understand. And maybe some of these teachers will read this article and change some of their ways.
It seems that this Human Game is all centered around The Deal. The Deal? yes, from now that's what I will be calling this ground rule agreement that we didn't know we made.
The Deal:
You can get anything you want from Source on the condition that
Phase One Case Study: Keith the Photographer
This is a Phase One Case Study. Phase One of the Planetary Ascension. Phase One was worldwide and every person on the Planet got it. The highest vibration Phase One can take you is 299.
Some people who previously got to a high vibration by using Dark Side energies also got the activation and as a result their vibration dropped to a lower number. Trivedi is like that, his vibration is now 395 compared to the 600 it used to be. On the other hand, when I got the activation, my vibration jumped by 30, from 665 to 695. And Master Gopal's vibration went from 605 to 615.
Phase One started on July 24 with 4 people. Next day, Monday I experimented with communities, like Syracuse and Fayetteville, NY. The Obama family, the Clintons. On Day 3 I activated New York. My capacity to witness a whole country being activated became available by Day 5. The Planet's activation became complete on August 15.
The following case study is a New York photographer's... so his activation began on July 26, three weeks ago.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Comparison Of The Different Healing Modalities, Hypnosis, Visualization, Affirmations, Brain Entrainment, Energy, And Activation
Comparison Of The Different Healing Modalities, Hypnosis, Visualization, Affirmations, Brain Entrainment, Energy, And Activation
What is the difference between modalities that try to implant new thoughts, new beliefs or change existing ones?
Let me look what are these modalities:
1. Hypnosis
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations, overt or covert (subliminal included)
4. Subliminal of any medium, including visuals
5. Brain entrainment of any kind
6. Energy alignment, reconnecting, Healing Codes, sound entrainment, network chiropractic, tapping, etc.
6. Activation
Did I miss any category?
The first five modalities are narrow-band modalities. They try to effect the areas they know are responsible for certain kinds of behavior, that store the beliefs.
Fear Of Failure... Another Possible Bottom Belief
Failure, the big deterrent
I had a dream most of my life to live in a school and be a perpetual student.
I knew it was weird, but I also knew that the best time I have ever had was studying hard in school: being at home was really horrible for me.
In 1987 I did The Forum, (Now it is called The Landmark Forum) and there was an exercise in it. The question was: Who are you that you are? Weird question, right? I thought so too, but yet, I somehow knew the answer immediately. Weirdly worded questions do that to you, whether you know it or not.
My answer to that question was: "Who I am is that I can't make a commitment to anything. I'd rather continue studying than go out and choose one direction to go to and risk hating it."
I was so proud of my answer that I bravely stuck my hand up... and I was called on.
When I finished what I wanted to say, the Forum Leader said: "Oh, I see, you are a failure!"
Case Study: Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion
Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion
Wallace D. Wattles is an obscure writer, who came from obscurity, was visible for 3 years and then died.
We know very little about his life, other than a short letter by his daughter after his death, and his writings.
We don't know what happened that he went from poverty to riches, from low vibration to high vibration.
Unfortunately, though his writings are some of the closest descriptions of how it really works (I mean Life and the Universe), Wallace D. Wattles is also one of those teachers that never really mention that how they got there: by connecting to Source in a two-way fashion.
I can see it, I can read it, but even I could not see it until I got clear, through my own conversations with Source, that connecting to Source is the missing ingredient in all teachings.
Phase Two: Changing The Game of The Original Design
Eliminate Powerlessness of The Vessel
As far as I can see, feeling powerless, feeling at the mercy of something out of your control, is part of the human experience, in fact it is a fundamental part of the human experience. And it is a part of it, even after the activation of The Original Design.
Why is it part of the Original Design? Because it was part of the experience of the Original Vessel.
I am not going to tell the story again, if you don't know it, please look it up.
But just to set it up for you: there was The Light desiring to bestow its light. It created The Vessel. It flooded The Vessel with light. At some point The Vessel said: Enough! No more! I want to earn my light. ((This, in different words, says: I want to be in control of how much light and get and when!))
Now, if you look carefully, and put yourself into the position of The Vessel: you can see that The Vessel's experience wasn't pleasant. The Vessel experienced no power. it only experience enough power to shout: Enough! No more!
That is the powerlessness that we inherited from The Vessel.
Monday, August 15, 2011
What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

I don't believe dark side was even anticipated at the time of creation. I also don't believe that Source is concerned about the dark side, or even knows about it.
So where did the Dark Side come from? Great question, right?
It seems to me that Dark Side was created by humanity. it is fed by the desire for the self alone.
Desire for the self alone has two parts:
1. desire to take something that belongs to another. We see plenty of this in human history, starting with taking someone's land and enslaving them, through beating someone to the punch in research, to bad-mouthing an opponent in politics, in offices, in the neighborhood.
So you see, the Dark Side grew unimpeded for six thousand years or so.
One of the reasons was ignorance. A second is greed.
2. the second part of desire for the self alone was first seen in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Our agreement with Source is that we ask for our light. In the incidence of the apple and the Tree of Knowledge, we decided that we can get all the light we want on our own, without being tethered to the Light, without getting any light from The Light.
This move started the age of mortality. The age of disease. The age of exploitation. The age of separation. The age of either you or me.
Activation of The Original Design, Phase One For Planet Earth is Complete
I have been forced to take Saturdays and Sundays off, and I have been sleeping at least nine hours a night.
This is hard work. The hard part is the empathic part: physically experience all the emotions of all these people... it is very draining.
In addition I am hard at work finalizing the first elective activator. Even the name of the activator isn't finalized, We, myself and the testers, are divided. These are still in the running... Personal Power, Living Powerfully, Eliminate powerlessness, Access to Power
Seven people are testing the activator, it is phenomenal. I will talk more about it in another article, but I want to talk about an unexpected side-effect I am still shaking my head about:
Sunday, August 14, 2011
What Do You Say When You Are Connected To Source? What Do You Say After You Say Hello
The Syntax of Communicating With Source
Before I can teach you the syntax of communication with Source, we need to look if Source is a sentient being.
Sentience simply means self-aware, conscious.
So far, in all my thinking, if Source is sentient, then it has a very simple circuit, nothing like all the religions would suggest.
At this point of the investigation there are a few things that look like facts:
1. Source knows what it wants. It wants to bestow its light. It is attracted by the energy of expansion: it homes in on the energy of expansion and leaves when the energy of contraction is present. It is always probing every little chard of the Original Vessel for a desire and a capacity to receive and to expand.
Phase Two: Changing The Game
Eliminate Powerlessness of The Vessel
As far as I can see, feeling powerless, feeling at the mercy of something out of your control, is part of the human experience, in fact it is a fundamental part of the human experience. And it is a part of it, even after the activation of The Original Design.
Why is it part of the Original Design? Because it was part of the experience of the Original Vessel.
I am not going to tell the story again, if you don't know it, please look it up.
But just to set it up for you: there was The Light desiring to bestow its light. It created The Vessel. It flooded The Vessel with light. At some point The Vessel said: Enough! No more! I want to earn my light. ((This, in different words, says: I want to be in control of how much light and get and when!))
Now, if you look carefully, and put yourself into the position of The Vessel: you can see that The Vessel's experience wasn't pleasant. The Vessel experienced no power. it only experience enough power to shout: Enough! No more!
That is the powerlessness that we inherited from The Vessel.
What other choices could have The Vessel had, if it had the mindset that it was powerful?
Looking at the situation from a "to the side and slightly elevated" point, I suggest that in that view The Light is included not as an oppressor, but as a misguided benefactor.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Human Nature And The Activation
I have been puzzling over the profound indifference mixed with resentment ((remember, I am an empath... so far no one has had the courage to tell me in my face! Thank God! lol)) over the Planetary Activation of The Original Design.
As I have said in other blog posts of mine, this activation effects every human being and every country on earth that accepted the activation.
At present there are a handful of Central European countries that have not accepted, and they muscle-test for Dark Side Dominance.
But what about the rest of the people, some 7 billion people? Why aren't they grateful, why aren't they rejoicing? Isn't this what they wanted?
An increased capacity to be empowered, and win in life, in relationships, in career, in health, in money... all areas of life are effected by your capacities!
And finally I am feeling and hearing answers:
Lots of people identify themselves with their struggles. They struggle for something, but mostly they struggle against something.
If suddenly their struggle succeeded, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
Confessions Of An Empath

Confessions Of An Empath
I didn't know that the feelings I experienced weren't only mine until a few months ago. I was 63 years old. I had never heard about the phenomenon, so I never suspected.
I had a long history of living like a phoenix... burned and crashed and then reborn from the ashes.
My Mother, the empath
I hear that the curse of being an empath is inherited, and upon further looking into the path, confirming it with muscle testing, my mother carried the cursed gene.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Powerful, Powerless, Linchpin, Cornerstone, Your Reactive Mind, Phase Two

The first thing we'll need to talk about, how come that the Original Design activation doesn't include everything that you need to have all your desires fulfilled. It would be fair, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately the Original Design is not dealing with your individuality.
what do I mean by that?
As you were born (and even before that) you gathered a lot of experiences that you dealt with, however you dealt with.
The bad news is, for the most part, and most of you, dealt with the experiences that life offered you in a poor way.
Why? For one main reasons:
Something happened. It threatened your survival. Your vantage point was too close to what was happening, and the experience activated your reactive mind... and your reactive mind is designed to make the best decision given the little data it received. Then, once, and if you survived, it makes a rule out of it.
Example: I was left in the street when I was two by my mother. I whispered, I wept, and I decided that there is something wrong with me and nobody wants me, and I went limp.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Gratitude vs Appreciation: what is the difference?
From my correspondence:
[7:55:31 PM] Alex Makarski: read your recent articles
i'm afraid to sound condescending
even though i know you won't take it that way
your writing keep getting better
simpler, stronger
some time, could you explain the difference between gratitude and appreciation?
people always pile them up into the same thing and use in the same sentence
i don't know the answer but i feel you do
[8:13:30 PM] Sophie Maven: appreciation has no direction, gratitude does.
Case Study: Christie Marie Sheldon of Love or Above... a fake
One of the vibration gurus I am getting links to is Christie Marie Sheldon or her program: Love Or Above.
Christie's vibration is 299. My muscle test shows that she has never connected directly to Source, so I assume that she got this vibration from the Planetary Ascension download, and didn't actually "earn it" herself.
The question I have is how can she claim to connect you and help you raise your vibration to 520 (in my experience it is more like 526-540 where love is!) if she has never raised her own vibration.
Is being a good marketer and being a pretty blonde is all people need to trust their life to someone? I wonder.
Christie Marie Sheldon is just one of those false gurus that the world is full of... guaranteed to be attracting you if you are one of a kind... a fake.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Pioneers of The Planetary Ascension, Phase One.
Please accept my gratitude of you putting yourself at my disposal, and thus at the disposal in the service of Humanity and Source. Your courage and devotion is exemplary and blasted a path for the multitudes to follow. Thank you.
Dark Side Revealed. Can It Be Defeated? Dark Side is Down to 15% Today
Dark Side
Dark Side is a reality. I am gaining insights little by little, it is not like I can learn much about its motives: Dark Side doesn't reveal its purpose, doesn't reveal its strategies, moves, means of enslavement and assimilation, you can put the picture together, like a jigsaw puzzle, afterwards.
Afterwards? Yes.
All information about the Dark Side has come to me while I reclaimed a soul, while I reclaimed a country.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
450 people have raised their vibration to 299 so far
94,000 people are at 295. The transition from 295 to 299 is tough, feels like stomach virus. If you are there, use the video on connecting directly to Source to make the transition fast and painless.
Good luck.
Second Phase: How Bilocation Saved My Life
One of the new capacities this first phase activation will give you is the capacity to bilocate.
Does bilocation mean that your body and full consciousness will be at two places? No.
Here is what it means:
In your visualizations (necessary for any kind of manifestation, in psycho-cybernetics' theater of your mind exercises, in every communication with Source) you will be able to push your energy to a different place than where you are, animate it, and be able to view it through your regular eyes and consciousness.
For example, when you do the move "connect directly to Source" that is in my video, you are at two places at once. It is your "out of your body" that does the communication, but you animate it from your brain.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Case Study: Vikram. Day 17
[8/7/2011 1:12:16 AM] Vikram: hi
[8/7/2011 1:12:29 AM] Vikram: i tried connecting to the source yesterday...
[8/7/2011 1:12:36 AM] Vikram: i tried it twice
[8/7/2011 11:20:47 AM] Vikram: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:37 AM] Sophie Maven: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:59 AM] Sophie Maven: you are at 299
[8/7/2011 12:00:05 PM] Sophie Maven: how are you feeling?
[8/7/2011 12:09:38 PM] Vikram: sorry...was having my dinner
[8/7/2011 12:09:52 PM] Vikram: am not feeling good..
[8/7/2011 12:10:02 PM] Sophie Maven: stomach?
[8/7/2011 12:10:07 PM] Vikram: so i was able to connect to the source?
[8/7/2011 12:10:12 PM] Vikram: no the crown chakra...
[8/7/2011 12:10:16 PM] Sophie Maven: no
[8/7/2011 12:10:24 PM] Sophie Maven: you went up to 299 the hard way
[8/7/2011 12:10:32 PM] Vikram: ok
[8/7/2011 12:10:35 PM] Vikram: the tangerine spot
[8/7/2011 12:10:58 PM] Sophie Maven: speak in sentences, please
[8/7/2011 12:11:32 PM] Vikram: sorry..i am saying the crown chakra is paining very badly..
[8/7/2011 12:11:42 PM] Vikram: and head is aching terribly...
[8/7/2011 12:12:02 PM] Sophie Maven: good. I feel your stomach and spleen upset as well...
Case Study: Vikram Day 17
[8/7/2011 1:12:16 AM] Vikram: hi
[8/7/2011 1:12:29 AM] Vikram: i tried connecting to the source yesterday...
[8/7/2011 1:12:36 AM] Vikram: i tried it twice
[8/7/2011 11:20:47 AM] Vikram: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:37 AM] Sophie Maven: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:59 AM] Sophie Maven: you are at 299
[8/7/2011 12:00:05 PM] Sophie Maven: how are you feeling?
[8/7/2011 12:09:38 PM] Vikram: sorry...was having my dinner
[8/7/2011 12:09:52 PM] Vikram: am not feeling good..
[8/7/2011 12:10:02 PM] Sophie Maven: stomach?
[8/7/2011 12:10:07 PM] Vikram: so i was able to connect to the source?
[8/7/2011 12:10:12 PM] Vikram: no the crown chakra...
Case Study: Vikram Day 8-16
[8/1/2011 11:48:42 AM] Vikram: hi
[8/1/2011 11:50:16 AM] Sophie Maven: no report today?
[8/1/2011 11:50:27 AM] Vikram: will send it in sometime
[8/1/2011 11:50:30 AM] Vikram: how am i progressing
[8/1/2011 11:50:39 AM] Sophie Maven: how was work today?
[8/1/2011 11:50:48 AM] Vikram: work was good
[8/1/2011 11:50:55 AM] Sophie Maven: I expected that
[8/1/2011 11:51:03 AM] Vikram: but towards the evening i felt lethargic
[8/1/2011 11:51:07 AM] Vikram: and energies scattered
[8/1/2011 11:51:50 AM] Sophie Maven: you are just under 270. It is not a straight line. I am having a very difficult day today... and I am at 795...
Money, The Planetary Activation, Free Will. Growth, Death. What Will You Choose?
Money. Growth. Energy to exchange for more comfort. For more toys. For more play. for more knowledge. For a longer and more interesting life.
All those are important, they are elements of Man's purpose: to be expanding, growing.
Expanding and growing is essential to survival. If the main purpose of life is to survive, then this is the least reactive part of survival: it is proactive, and therefore the most fun.
Being an expanding human being takes strong inner forces to overcome the resistance of forces that work against growth: competition, fear of failure, laziness, slothfulness of mind, etc.
With that said: most of humanity, even after the planetary activation, is behaving as if they didn't have the energy to grow.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Activation Journal Days 7-15
Activation Journal Days 7-15
It's been two weeks.
The world had 100 people at or above vibrational frequence of 299 (Gratitude) when we started and now there are 111.
I accidentally pushed my vibration up to 830... then it fell back to 825. There is no anger at 830, but there is at 825. I felt angry today... lol. I don't mind. Maybe 830 is the level what others call enlightenment? I'll let you know.
I have learned more in these 2 weeks than in the 64 years previous.
I have "known" over 5 billion people intimately... been in the shoes of all those countries, experienced their despair, their cockiness, their sadness, their helplessnes, their resignation, their pride, their hopes, removed dark side attachments, pockets of internal parasites... quite an emotional roller coaster.
Although the work of the full activation (phase 1) is not done, I am already working on the second phase. It is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty.
In the second phase you will need to connect to Source, personally. I can help you, I can boost you, but you need to personally request what you need for the second phase, where you will ask for what you desire.
The first area I will tackle is money and prosperity. I am already running experiments, thank my testing partners for their generosity in helping me give you what you need, but I want to give you what works, and not B.S. that sounds good, cost a lot, and does nothing. It will work, guaranteed.
I won't release anything before my birthday (September 4) because I don't want anyone who didn't get activated. ((I'll figure out what I'll do with the 7% that is Dark Side and didn't accept the activation. (That is a fresh number... it went down from 9%... I don't quite understand how that happened... but I am happy nevertheless.)
Individuals, like my friend's grandson: we'll bring back to the Light, but en masse, it won't happen.))
I have been using the Zohar to protect me from Dark Side attacks, and I also cloak myself occasionally.
Activation phase 1 is going faster than anticipated. I have found solutions to country's reluctance, to Dark Side invasions, to infestations, and completely surrendered to be told what to do and when to do it.
Activation of your Original Design: Phase 1 will be complete by September 4.
Meditation: How To Use It?
meditation: a very philosophical article. You'll probably hate it!
What is meditation and what is the role of meditation?
I will examine this question as a non-meditator who has tried to meditate (TM) and failed.
I am not against meditation. Meditation is a tool, to allow all knowledge to reach you, past the noise of all there is, distinguished as knowledge beyond your own, and as a tool it is invaluable.
I have been quasi "meditating" the past day or so... the questions I am meditating over are
1. whether God is a sentient being
2. whether the "law" of attraction, the law that says that you can earn something coming to you by adjusting your vibration to its...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
How To Connect Directly To Source
I have created a video and posted a PAGE to answer the question in the title.
How To Connect Directly To Source To Speed Up Your Activation
Please click on the link to read the page and watch the video
Friday, August 5, 2011
Your Money And Your Higher Vibrational Frequency: What Is The Connection?
Your Money
One of the issues people deal with is money. They want more of it.
Let me share my personal situation with you: I dropped my car off at the shop on Wednesday. I heard some noises, and the car didn't like me to turn as much as it used to.
At 4 pm I got a call that the repairs will cost 3,000 dollars. Wow. I don't have that kind of money lying around. I went into a familiar mode: worry... but I saw that it is useless, so I pulled out of it.
I kicked it around in my head, then called a friend to have someone listen.
I saw that I had two sources of potential revenue that I could activate with just a few emails.
I sent out an email offering a discount on one of my products, but I botched up the email: I got angry emails back, and almost no money. Oops. Let's look before we leap, OK? I told myself. This is where I am at now, and writing this article is designed for myself as much as for you: to force thinking. Let's begin, OK?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Unconditional Love, Hamster Wheel, You Are Never Good Enough... Had Enough?
Unconditional Love, Hamster Wheel, You Are Never Good Enough... Had Enough?
The gurus talk about unconditional love. I correct myself: they preach about unconditional love.
They pretend. Pius speak.
A few years ago I was invited to a gathering that devotees of a guru gave to celebrate whatever they were celebrating.
I went. I was curious. I am not a guru follower. I wasn't then either.
The guru gave some words about unconditional love, then there was singing. They sang, a Hebrew prayer, that says that there is only one god. At some point I stood up and went to get something to drink. I felt something hitting my back, so I looked back and locked eyes with the guru who sent hatred through her eyes. Wow, if she could kill me, she would.
Unconditional love is not possible for a human being, guru or not guru. Unconditional love is not supportive of survival, and human being's number one goal is to survive. Only the Creator can love unconditionally.
Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side
Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side
In my conversations, people always refer back to religion, church, or ceremonies.
Our lives and our belief system has been shaped by religion more than anything else. In my case, I would dare say that the religion of matter over mind, the belief of it's all random and accidental, ran my life for decades. ((I grew up in a communist country, child of founders of the Hungarian Communist Party))
It is easier to see it on my brothers: one has a real hard time to see the back or their head, and belief is such: it is like seeing the back of your head, because it is ok, if you think it's a belief, but what we think is not that, we think and know that it is the truth.
"Superstition is only a superstition when it's not, and it isn't when it is"
This statement has confused millions of people, in spite of the fact that it is true, and it's simple, but yet.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Activation Case Study: Vikram in India: ascension, symptoms, struggle, attachment...
[7/25/2011 1:39:53 PM] Vikram: Hi Sophie, Vikram here. we just communicated through email.
[7/25/2011 1:43:04 PM] Sophie Maven: Sophie Maven has shared contact details with Vikram.
[7/25/2011 1:43:47 PM] Vikram: Hi Sir
[7/25/2011 1:44:43 PM] Sophie Maven: I am a woman
[7/25/2011 1:44:49 PM] Vikram: am sorry
[7/25/2011 1:44:54 PM] Vikram: give me a moment
[7/25/2011 1:45:00 PM] Vikram: i am connecting my headphone
Why Does Source Need A Human For Raising The Vibration Of The Planet?
In the past 36 hours, I have been torn between wanting to have MY life, MY work to be witnessed, and getting the work done.
When I looked at the failed attempts of Source finding a human to represent humanity ((The question naturally rises: why does Source need a human to do that? Can't it just do it, no human involved? The answer is "no." The agreement between The Light and The Vessel was Free Will, Free Agency. But a representative of The Vessel CAN speak for The Vessel, however many souls there are (7 billion?) and that is why there is a need for at least ONE human to be involved. My hunch: this was the assignment of Jesus (if there was such a real person... I have my doubts), of the Buddha, and probably others over all these years, like Sai Baba. But instead they went public, they wanted disciples, they wanted public healing, they wanted personal significance. I feel their pain. But, unfortunately the desire for personal significance stops one from being effective for humanity. This is what I am seeing now, and this is what I am having an opportunity to give up. Documenting, humbly, the work is an information tool: people deserve to know what's happening to them. In case I perish, at least they'll be able to read and maybe there will be someone who completes the job, in case I am taken prematurely. I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but the intensity of the Dark Side has been increasing, and who knows what they can do)) , this is what I find:
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke Of Insight, Or The Hemispheres of the Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace?
Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke Of Insight, Or The Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace
What is the term for the passages between the two hemispheres of the brain? Anyone knows?
I have been trying to find out what is the proper word to use when I am talking about the two sides of the brain working together... what are those circuits that light up when you actually "be" as a full-brain individual, where your whole brain participates in your life at the same time, and you have your analytical capabilities and your "intuitive" capabilities informing your actions and your feelings at the same time, not either one or the other.
In my search I was lead to this brain researcher's speech on TED
I remember seeing that video once before, and I remember feeling that it was hokey... but at the time I didn't know why.
What will happen when, in a few weeks, you wake up with a higher vibration and suddenly you see...
You'll realize that you have been a slave, voluntarily, never resisting, never protesting, like sheep, like cattle...
Here is a video that drives that home...
I'll tell you in another article what you will do, once you really get your power.
Watch this video. It's dramatic, it's vague, but what it says is true, though it is not the whole truth... the whole truth is worse.
Under Siege By The Dark Side... Evasive Maneuvres
Yesterday and today was the story of identifying and eliminating Dark Side "suckers."
By suckers I actually mean energy attachments that are designed to kill, paralyze, or control.
I worked on some women in my circle, remotely. One has been seriously ill, literally dying. I removed the "sucker" that actually had already penetrated her whole body, so when I pulled it out through the attachment point on the neck, she went into convulsions. Then I requested that her damaged lung lining gets repaired by Source. When I left her after this "surgery" she was sleeping and was on her way to recovery. I can't guarantee that she won't have another attack... I'll monitor her status.
The Dark Side... Its Last Attempt To Gobble It All Up, You And Yours. What Can You Do About It?
The Dark Side... What is the Dark Side?
What I thought the Dark Side was, has gone through a lot of changes, from the mundane to the very sophisticated.
If we look, we have approximately as much information and clarity about it as we have about the dark side of the moon... we can't see it.
Dark Side. Evil, what is evil. What is wrong with evil, what is wrong with killing, stealing, lying, cheating, poisoning the rivers, lowering the prices below the products value, owning all media and giving people what they want, bread and circus? What is wrong with being a politician only to sell out the people you promised that you are going to be from the people, for the people?
Or what is wrong with yelling at your spouse and calling them names? Or your employees, or your children, or that knucklehead in the other car?
Or hiding the rotten apples under the beautiful ones in the basket at the market?
Dark Side. Evil, all that? The big and the small?
You don't know, do you? Even reading it feels bad (unless you are one of them, of course) but you can't put your finger on it, why it's evil, can you?
How about looking at it all through just one simple distinction: evil is seeking power over another. Or even more basic, in the language of ancient Kabbalists: the desire for the self alone.
Hm, isn't that what life is all about? Winning? No.
You see, the problem with seeking power over another is that it flies in the face of the original design.
In the beginning there was only the Light. Its nature was giving, and all it wanted is to give. It was the Source of everything. It created a vessel, a receptacle for its benevolence and gifts.
When the vessel refused to just receive, it "created" of itself a whole big physical universe, so the vessel can earn its light and so the vessel can also have something or someone to give to. The Vessel said: "I want to be like YOU!"
But the sparks of the Vessel forgot the beginnings... And the trouble began.
In the Garden of Eden, ((which was obviously not a physical place, and there was not just Adam and Eve... but it serves well as a teaching story, received eons after the act took place,)) we see that humanity, the carriers of the sparks of the vessel, decided to disconnect from the Source and seek its own truth, its own game plan, its own game, not the one they were bound to by the promise to Source. ((In effect we started the Dark Side!))
How is it going? It's not going well. Less than 1% of all people have power over the rest of them. There is a puppet middle, seemingly with power, but also with power over them, invisible strings moving them (puppet on a string).
And there is the multitudes. You and me. Slaves. Trying to emulate the people in power, desperately trying to experience power by robbing it from others.
That is the state of affairs on Earth in 2011.
What drove it home for me, you ask?
Three things.
1. I read an article about hydro-fracking in my local independent... and saw that people get displaced, the most beautiful areas get turned into industrial wastelands. For the mega-profits of a few oil companies.
2. I read an article about international mega-mega-mega corporations taking over Israel's entire economy, science, media, production, leaving a whole country enslaved. (I am an Israeli citizen... I wept. It reminded me of the gas chambers six million Jews walked into, like sheep, including all my family, except my father and mother.)
3. I have been coveting this house I rent for 5-6 years. I have been asking Source to give it to me. I realized it last week, that the owner is holding it to give it to his two children as a way to help them start out in life... I felt ashamed, and I got that I was desiring something that belonged to another. I got it.
God doesn't play favorites
Monday, August 1, 2011
Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke Of Insight, Or The The Hemispherse of the Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace?
Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke Of Insight, Or The Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace
What is the term for the passages between the two hemispheres of the brain? Anyone knows?
I have been trying to find out what is the proper word to use when I am talking about the two sides of the brain working together... what are those circuits that light up when you actually "be" as a full-brain individual, where your whole brain participates in your life at the same time, and you have your analytical capabilities and your "intuitive" capabilities informing your actions and your feelings at the same time, not either one or the other.
In my search I was lead to this brain researcher's speech on TED
Track How The Activation Is Advancing
It my be interesting to you to track how the activation of the Original Design is advancing. I made a page where you can see the country name, the population, and whether it's been activated or not. I consider adding the starting vibrational frequency as well... may be a lot of work though.
There are a lot of unanswered questions. Why does the activation done in the order that it's done? Why activate and why now?
I will answer these questions as the answers will become clear to me.
For now, just have peace about the fact, that it's getting done, and that it's time.
The more relevant questions would be: Now what? What's next? Now that your vibration will be (91% certainty only, the missing 9% are dark side and refused to be activated) 299. How will you use this new capacity to forward your life, to forward humanity? And the next question: how do you go higher?
The first question is for you to answer. You can get help, and I'll make sure I'll create something that can provide that service to you. The second question, how to go higher, will be answered in an upcoming program, where you will be able to, bit by bit, crank your vibration higher. I can't do it for you. That will be up to you to connect to Source, request the upgrade, and live it.
I'll publish it here when I am ready to invite you to participate in the second phase of the World's activation: in your own "ascension". It's a very conscious and a very enjoyable process, I am speaking from experience.
Let me know how you are feeling, and how I can help you by commenting below.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Case Study: Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion
Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion
Wallace D. Wattles is an obscure writer, who came from obscurity, was visible for 3 years and then died.
We know very little about his life, other than a short letter by his daughter after his death, and his writings.
We don't know what happened that he went from poverty to riches, from low vibration to high vibration.
Unfortunately, though his writings are some of the closest descriptions of how it really works (I mean life and the Universe), Wallace D. Wattles is also one of those teachers that never really mention that how they got there: by connecting to Source in a two-way fashion.
I can see it, I can read it, but even I could not see it until I got clear, through my own conversations with Source, that connecting to Source is the missing ingredient in all teachings.
Other than that missing piece, he got most everything right.
Another thing that he could not see and anticipate is that people who have a low vibration (under 299) ((at the date of this writing there are less than 100 people on the planet at or above that vibration! But give it another month or two, and you (and everyone) will be at that level, my dear reader, so pay attention, ok?)) have pretty much zero capacity to see that although they are made of thinking stuff, just like Source, they are not part and parcel with Source.
There is a difference, and a big one at that.
The consciousness, the amount of thinking stuff, and the worldly influence of other people, your reactive mind, and your ego: desire for the self alone.
Just try it out. Say: let there be light (rain, lightening, whatever tickles your fancy) and see how much power you have. Hm. If you are God, how come none of these sayings create that what you say? Simple, you are not one. God is God, and you are you.
Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?
Full Activation of Your Human Design
In light of the test subjects that received their activation one-on-one and in the Tangerine state (theta) I am starting to see some startling things that can be expected after your full activation.
Although, your experience may be different, especially if you got your activation as part of mass download, it is still very educational to know what will happen. It will be probably slower, and maybe gentler, but I wouldn't bet on it. :-)
1. Imagine the amount of debris that has accumulated in your circuits (nadis) in your lifetime, and in the lifetime of your ancestors. The image I'd like to offer is a waterpipe system. The holes in the pipes are filled with crust. The activation needs to blast that crust for the water (energy) to pass freely through that pipe. It's a nasty job, and if you can imagine the pipes to be alive, as nadis are alive, it can be disruptive, it can be painful, it can be a lot like exorcism. Especially when you realize that you have about 10 billions of those pipes... and you do.
Looking at my own experience, I have vomited, I've had diarrhea, I have headaches, I had disorientation, I had temporary lowering of my intelligence, I had bursts of anger, I had fits of crying. I was accident prone for a few hours, my driving was bad...
I have been sleeping longer hours. I even spent a whole day in bed. Dreaming a lot, and my appetite calls only for fruits: regular food, just the thought of it, causes nausea.
It feels like a real illness. It isn't, but of course you didn't know that.
2. In you: After 2-7 days, depending on your constitution, and depending on the lower self dark energies that have possessed you, you will start experiencing joy, clarity, silence, and an inner peace.
Your intelligence will increase, your affinity to others and to life, most unusual for a lot of people, will go through the roof. Your courage, your sense of self, your whole experience of life will change. When you look in the mirror, you'll like the person who is there likable.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Journal Day 6, Entire USA Activated
In the evening, after hours of procrastination, I activated the entire United States. I checked the vibration. 143. It will be interesting to see how fast or how slow it changes.
Central America was next. Starting vibration around 130.
China took a long time. They also had an very active first chakra region... but instead of animalistic, like India, it was aching. I don't know what is that about, like it is reduced with a regulation... like in a mental facility. China starts at 120.
I went back and checked India. It is 100 today. I can only imagine how low it was yesterday when it started.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet
Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth
Phase 1
Target vibrational frequency: 299
Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151
From my journal:
Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn't seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time.
As I was sharing with N. it occurred to me that maybe I have been looking in the wrong direction. Maybe I have already had the way.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Increase Your Confidence by Fully Activating Your Original Design
As part of my effort to support you in realizing your potential with your new fully activated self, I recommend that you watch this Star Trek, The Next Generation episode: you'll be surprised how similar the phenomenon in this old movie is to what happens in real life once you are activated.
The only difference is: this is permanent. The one in the movie was temporary. Enjoy.
part 1
part 2
Activation and the aftermath - What To Expect After The Activation of The Original Design?
Individual and partial activation downloads didn't, in my experience, cause any symptoms other than an increase in capacities.
I am learning that full activation actually has some "healing crisis" type symptoms associated.
The circuits that weren't used (ever) because they weren't activated, once active, start burning off the crust. Activations that were done, out of sequence, if you are one of my testing clients, need to be deactivated before they can be activated again to integrate them into the upgraded whole.
I know it sounds outlandish, but imagine that you are a computer, and I performed a core processor upgrade, a ram upgrade, a power supply upgrade and an operating system upgrade on you all at once, while you were open, up and running.