Saturday, July 30, 2011

Case Study: Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion

Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion

Wallace D. Wattles is an obscure writer, who came from obscurity, was visible for 3 years and then died.

We know very little about his life, other than a short letter by his daughter after his death, and his writings.

We don't know what happened that he went from poverty to riches, from low vibration to high vibration.

Unfortunately, though his writings are some of the closest descriptions of how it really works (I mean life and the Universe), Wallace D. Wattles is also one of those teachers that never really mention that how they got there: by connecting to Source in a two-way fashion.

I can see it, I can read it, but even I could not see it until I got clear, through my own conversations with Source, that connecting to Source is the missing ingredient in all teachings.

Other than that missing piece, he got most everything right.

Another thing that he could not see and anticipate is that people who have a low vibration (under 299) ((at the date of this writing there are less than 100 people on the planet at or above that vibration! But give it another month or two, and you (and everyone) will be at that level, my dear reader, so pay attention, ok?)) have pretty much zero capacity to see that although they are made of thinking stuff, just like Source, they are not part and parcel with Source.

There is a difference, and a big one at that.

The consciousness, the amount of thinking stuff, and the worldly influence of other people, your reactive mind, and your ego: desire for the self alone.

Just try it out. Say: let there be light (rain, lightening, whatever tickles your fancy) and see how much power you have. Hm. If you are God, how come none of these sayings create that what you say? Simple, you are not one. God is God, and you are you.

Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?

Full Activation of Your Human Design

In light of the test subjects that received their activation one-on-one and in the Tangerine state (theta) I am starting to see some startling things that can be expected after your full activation.

Although, your experience may be different, especially if you got your activation as part of mass download, it is still very educational to know what will happen. It will be probably slower, and maybe gentler, but I wouldn't bet on it. :-)

1. Imagine the amount of debris that has accumulated in your circuits (nadis) in your lifetime, and in the lifetime of your ancestors. The image I'd like to offer is a waterpipe system. The holes in the pipes are filled with crust. The activation needs to blast that crust for the water (energy) to pass freely through that pipe. It's a nasty job, and if you can imagine the pipes to be alive, as nadis are alive, it can be disruptive, it can be painful, it can be a lot like exorcism. Especially when you realize that you have about 10 billions of those pipes... and you do.

Looking at my own experience, I have vomited, I've had diarrhea, I have headaches, I had disorientation, I had temporary lowering of my intelligence, I had bursts of anger, I had fits of crying. I was accident prone for a few hours, my driving was bad...

I have been sleeping longer hours. I even spent a whole day in bed. Dreaming a lot, and my appetite calls only for fruits: regular food, just the thought of it, causes nausea.

It feels like a real illness. It isn't, but of course you didn't know that.

2. In you: After 2-7 days, depending on your constitution, and depending on the lower self dark energies that have possessed you, you will start experiencing joy, clarity, silence, and an inner peace.

Your intelligence will increase, your affinity to others and to life, most unusual for a lot of people, will go through the roof. Your courage, your sense of self, your whole experience of life will change. When you look in the mirror, you'll like the person who is there likable.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Journal Day 6, Entire USA Activated

I dealt with Dark Side intrusions all day. Finally I decided to cloak myself and stay quiet.

In the evening, after hours of procrastination, I activated the entire United States. I checked the vibration. 143. It will be interesting to see how fast or how slow it changes.

Central America was next. Starting vibration around 130.

China took a long time. They also had an very active first chakra region... but instead of animalistic, like India, it was aching. I don't know what is that about, like it is reduced with a regulation... like in a mental facility. China starts at 120.

I went back and checked India. It is 100 today. I can only imagine how low it was yesterday when it started.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet

Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth
Phase 1
Target vibrational frequency: 299
Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151

From my journal:

Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn't seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time.

As I was sharing with N. it occurred to me that maybe I have been looking in the wrong direction. Maybe I have already had the way.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Increase Your Confidence by Fully Activating Your Original Design

As part of my effort to support you in realizing your potential with your new fully activated self, I recommend that you watch this Star Trek, The Next Generation episode: you'll be surprised how similar the phenomenon in this old movie is to what happens in real life once you are activated.

The only difference is: this is permanent. The one in the movie was temporary. Enjoy.

part 1

part 2

Activation and the aftermath - What To Expect After The Activation of The Original Design?

Individual and partial activation downloads didn't, in my experience, cause any symptoms other than an increase in capacities.

I am learning that full activation actually has some "healing crisis" type symptoms associated.

The circuits that weren't used (ever) because they weren't activated, once active, start burning off the crust. Activations that were done, out of sequence, if you are one of my testing clients, need to be deactivated before they can be activated again to integrate them into the upgraded whole.

I know it sounds outlandish, but imagine that you are a computer, and I performed a core processor upgrade, a ram upgrade, a power supply upgrade and an operating system upgrade on you all at once, while you were open, up and running.